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Workshop on Process Theory for Security Protocols and Cryptography in Tallinn

    A truly international group of scientists, industry representatives and young researchers gathered in early spring Tallinn to advance cross-border knowledge exchange on process theory.

    In CHESS Challenge Area 3, we focus on, among other topics developing methods and tools to analyse and verify cryptographic protocols. While concrete frameworks like “universally composable cryptography” exist already, more research is needed to identify principles to develop composable security at the same level of formality. In this project, research is piloted to develop theory and tool support for cybersecurity protocols and emerging problems in formal methods. This workshop, more specifically aimed to explore the potential of categorical methods in modelling situations that arise in computer security and cryptography.

    The Workshop on Process Theory for Security Protocols and Cryptography took place from 18-19 March in Tallinn, Estonia and was organised by Tallinn University of Technology. We were happy host the members of the professional community from the University College London, the University of Pisa, the University of Innsbruck, the University of Oxford, the University of Strathclyde, the University of Padova, the University of Udine, Cybernetica, Input Output (IOHK), Masaryk University and Tallinn University of Technology.

    It was a great opportunity for the community members to present the latest research output and exchange ideas as well as for the project participants to introduce the CHESS project and raise awareness of the network’s activities. Creating and maintaining close professional ties is important for new ground-breaking research. Gathering for two days made it possible and hopefully laid the ground for new knowledge and exciting discoveries.

    For more information about the programme and presentations: