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Secure and Privacy-Preserving Car-Sharing Systems

    Abstract: With increasing smart transportation systems and services, potential security and privacy threats are growing. In this work, we analyze privacy and security threats in car-sharing systems, and discuss the problems with the transparency of services, users’ personal data collection, and how the legislation manages these issues. Based on analyzed requirements, we design a compact privacy-preserving solution for car-sharing systems. Our proposal combines digital signature schemes and group signature schemes, in order to protect user privacy against curious providers, increase security and non-repudiation, and be efficient even for systems with restricted devices. The evaluation of the proposed solution demonstrates its security and a practical usability for constrained devices deployed in vehicles and users’ smartphones.

    Authors: Lukas Malina, Petr Dzurenda, Norbert Lövinger, Ijeoma Faustina Ekeh, Raimundas Matulevicius

    Published: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security

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