Author: Michal Krejčíř
Supervisor: Jan Vykopal
Abstract: The goal of this thesis is to design and test a hybrid cybersecurity exercise in the INJECT Exercise Platform (IXP). Traditional tabletop exercises (TTXs) focus on non-technical areas of cybersecurity, while technical exercises focus on technical ones. However, cybersecurity incident response requires proficiency in both areas. A hybrid exercise integrates both areas in a single exercise, offering comprehensive training and testing of incident response. As a result of this thesis, a hybrid exercise was developed and implemented in IXP. The exercise was pilot-tested at the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University with the participation of students and faculty members. The pilot testing provided feedback from the exercise participants, which was used to improve the exercise and gain more insight into the area of hybrid exercise development. The findings from this thesis will make it easier to develop and run higher-quality hybrid exercises in the IXP.